[Spambayes] When is the final NON RC version being released

Coe, Bob rcoe at CambridgeMA.GOV
Mon Sep 13 13:50:26 CEST 2004

The RC2 release is more reliable than most 3rd-party software is at any stage of its life cycle. IMO, it's silly not to use it. (It's not my place to say you're being silly; but if the shoe fits, wear it.) The fact that it's arguably just as silly for the developers to keep stalling like this is beside the point.
I'm not much of a Beta/RC guy either. For example, I wouldn't dream of using a beta version of a Microsoft operating system. But the risk you'd run by using the current version of Spambayes is negligible. 


-----Original Message-----
From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org]On Behalf Of George Janczuk
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 10:42 PM
To: 'spambayes at python.org'
Subject: [Spambayes] When is the final NON RC version being released



I am currently waiting for the final first 1.0 release to be released (I'm not a BETA/RC kind-a guy, so I wait for the 1.0 release version before loading a product). I am eagerly waiting this release. However, it seems that the release has not followed in the time frame indicated, in particular, the download page says:



The purpose of this release is solely to shake out those last few bugs on the way to a final 1.0 release - assuming no problems are found, a 1.0 release will follow in a few days



However, it is September 10 today, and the RC2 release was announced on June 26, so 76 days have passed and there's still no final 1.0 release! Have there been problems? Are you expecting a final 1.0 release any time soon? Just some sort of update on the status of the final 1.0 release will be appreciated.


Just a note from someone who has been 'left hanging' for a while.




George Janczuk
Object Consulting
PO Box 528, North Sydney NSW 2059
Phone  : +61 2 9459-3300
Fax    : +61 2 9459-3301
Email  : g.janczuk at objectconsulting.com.au
Web    : http://www.objectconsulting.com.au
"Life is too important to be
 taken seriously" - Oscar Wilde




Tony Meyer ta-meyer  <mailto:spambayes-announce%40python.org?Subject=%5BSpambayes-announce%5D%20ANNOUNCE%3A%20SpamBayes%20release%201.0rc2&In-Reply-To=> at ihug.co.nz 
Sat Jun 26 03:13:01 EDT 2004 

*	Messages sorted by: [  <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-announce/2004-June/date.html#20> date ] [  <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-announce/2004-June/thread.html#20> thread ] [  <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-announce/2004-June/subject.html#20> subject ] [  <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-announce/2004-June/author.html#20> author ] 


The SpamBayes team is pleased to announce the latest release of SpamBayes -
As is now usual, this is both a release of the source code and of an
installation program for all Microsoft Windows users.
The Windows installation program will install either the Outlook add-in (for
Microsoft Outlook users), or the SpamBayes server program (for all other
mail client users, including Microsoft Outlook Express). All Windows users
(including existing users of the Outlook add-in) are encouraged to use the
installation program.
If you wish to use the source-code version, you will also need to install
Python - see README.txt in the source tree for more information.
This release fixes a number of reasonably minor bugs in the last release;
however, we still highly recommend that existing users upgrade. For a
detailed description of everything (well, everything we remember) that has
changed since the last release, you can view our WHAT_IS_NEW.txt file,
either online, or in the source distribution.
Get it via the 'Download' page at
Enjoy the new release and your spam-free mailbox :-)
Thanks to everyone involved in this release, particularly, and as usual,
Mark Hammond for putting most of this release together!
(on behalf of the SpamBayes team)
--- What is SpamBayes? ---
The SpamBayes project is working on developing a Bayesian (of sorts)
anti-spam filter (in Python), initially based on the work of Paul Graham.
The major difference between this and other, similar projects is the
emphasis on testing newer approaches to scoring messages.
The project includes a number of different applications, all using the same
core code, ranging from a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, to a POP3 proxy, to
various command-line tools.




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