[Spambayes] SpamBayes and DEP

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Fri Jul 22 07:15:15 CEST 2005

>>> After adding Outlook.exe to the exclusion list in the DEP 
>>> properties, all works fine again. On the one hand I won't 
>>> miss the features of SpamBayes, on the other, I think DEP is 
>>> a good thing for internet-related applications like the mail-client.
>>> So please try to get SpamBayes working with DEP,

[Bob Coe]
>> I deplore my ignorance, and the necessity of revealing it
>> here, but what is DEP? I'm using WinXP SP2, and I never heard of it.

[Ryan Malayter]
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/875352 

See also this bug tracker (I'm not familiar with DEP either, but it sounds
like the same thing to me):

[ 988095 ] Athlon64, SP2, NX (no execute)=no workee

There's nothing really to add other than what Tim's comment on that tracker
says, apart from "patches are welcome".


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