[Spambayes] update help needed
Tony Meyer
tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue May 24 07:21:38 CEST 2005
> I just tried to install the latest version of the spambayes
> without success.
I would strongly recommend that you use 1.0.4, which is the latest *stable*
release, rather than 1.1a1, which is an alpha (experimental) release, unless
you really want to try out the experimental version.
> Here are the steps I took:
> installed python
> un-zipped wpambayes to C:\Program Files\spambayes-1.1a1
> double clicked on addin.py
> a command window opened briefly
> I opened Outlook and nothing was installed
If you want the Outlook add-in, then you should probably be using the
installer. Download the .exe from the download page, e.g.:
> After this I found the installer called
> "SpamBayes-Setup-Experimental-01.exe"
> This executed fine and seems to work well although it
> is from December 2003 at version .85
This is a *very* old version (hopefully Mark will clear it off his website
at some point). Unless specifically told to do so, you should always
download SpamBayes directly from sourceforge (e.g. via the link on
If you download spambayes-1.0.4.exe and run it, it should install fine. It
would be best to uninstall the very old experimental version first (via
Add/Remove Programs).
Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes.
http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this.
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