[Spambayes] What do the filter/webservers do?

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Nov 1 15:57:58 CET 2006

I can't find a clear explanation of what is supposed to be happening
when I run, e.g. sb_imapfilter.py, with no options.  Here are some


The docs say it is "classifying" my email.  Does that mean it is
moving supposed spam to the designated spam folder and supposed ham to
the designated ham folder?  


The sb_imapfilter.py --help contains the following:

      We never delete mail, unless you use the -e/purge option, but we
      do mark a lot as deleted, and your mail client might remove that
      for you.  We try to only mark as deleted once the moved/altered
      message is correctly saved...

I guess that means it's not really removing the messages.  Is there a
mail client that will show me the messages that are marked deleted but
not expunged?


When I run 

  sb_imapfilter.py -l 1 

the program exits instead of continuing to run.  However, if I visit
the webpage that is supposed to be enabled, it is blank (no 404 error)
and I get this message on the console that launched sb_imapfilter.py:

  channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed

Does anyone know what that means?



Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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