[Spambayes] FW: SpamBayes

emu emu at weinsteinkimpton.go-plus.net
Sat Oct 14 11:42:27 CEST 2006


I am trying to find out how to train my Spambayes to ignore MOST emails to
my domain @Weinsteinkimpton.go-plus.net
EXCEPT the real names which are/could be:  emu@, chk@, Connie@, info@,
mfclub@, PD@, peter at .

With each receipt of emails I am getting innumerable xyz@ bge@ etc - all
sorts of random letters, all purporting to be delivery failure notices,
postmaster etc.  Spambayes puts most of these into the spam folder, a few
into the 'junk suspects' but some still come into my inbox.  Each time I put
them into the spam folder but it does not seem to be learning more about the
random letter ones.

Also - since I logged in to enable me to post this message, I am now getting
other peoples complaints - which, as far as I am concerned COULD be spam,
rather than real emails to you.  Can you stop me getting these please?   I
did not intentionally sign up to receive your other messages.

Thank you


-----Original Message-----
From: 	spambayes-bounces+emu=weinsteinkimpton.go-plus.net at python.org
[mailto:spambayes-bounces+emu=weinsteinkimpton.go-plus.net at python.org]  On
Behalf Of skip at pobox.com
Sent:	14 October 2006 01:06
To:	Rich U
Cc:	spambayes at python.org
Subject:	Re: [Spambayes] SpamBayes

Rich> I just downloaded the 1.1a3 (32 bit)version and installed it. When
Rich> Outlook starts it encounters an error with spambayes and wants to
Rich> disable it. This is the same problem I encountered with v1.04. I Rich>
see nothing on the FAQ to help.

Sorry, I can't help with the Outlook plugin, certainly not at this level.
Maybe someone else on the list has an idea what needs tweaking.
SpamBayes at python.org
Check the FAQ before asking: http://spambayes.sf.net/faq.html

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