[Spambayes] FW: SpamBayes

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Sat Oct 14 19:23:31 CEST 2006

Op za, 14-10-2006 te 10:42 +0100, schreef emu:
> Hi
> I am trying to find out how to train my Spambayes to ignore MOST emails to
> my domain @Weinsteinkimpton.go-plus.net
> EXCEPT the real names which are/could be:  emu@, chk@, Connie@, info@,
> mfclub@, PD@, peter at .
> With each receipt of emails I am getting innumerable xyz@ bge@ etc - all
> sorts of random letters, all purporting to be delivery failure notices,
> postmaster etc.  Spambayes puts most of these into the spam folder, a few
> into the 'junk suspects' but some still come into my inbox.  Each time I put
> them into the spam folder but it does not seem to be learning more about the
> random letter ones.

Sorry, can't help you in detail with that. You didn't say what mail
client you use. Based on your email headers, I assume it is "Microsoft
Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)".
Most (if not all) mail clients have some kind of filtering built in.
Just use that to reject any mail not sent to your "approved" addresses,
and use spambayes to filter spam sent to your "valid" addresses.

> Also - since I logged in to enable me to post this message, I am now getting
> other peoples complaints - which, as far as I am concerned COULD be spam,
> rather than real emails to you.  Can you stop me getting these please?   I
> did not intentionally sign up to receive your other messages.

That is the very nature of a mailing list: you *intentionally* signed up
a) sending email to all 394 members of the spambayes mailing list
b) receiving email from all 394 members of the spambayes mailing list.

That's right, every time you send mail to spambayes at python.org, a copy
goes to 394 people. And every time one of those 394 people sends an
email to spambayes, a copy goes to everybody on the list, including you.

For more information about mailing lists in general, plese read

Spambayes uses the mailman mailing list software. This software enbles
its users to choose a "digest" format, which means (maximum) 1 email per
day, which contains all emails sent that day. I hope this helps for you.

Amedee Van Gasse
amede at amedee.be

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