[Spambayes] interacting with dbm

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Thu Mar 8 14:42:52 CET 2007

On do, 2007-03-08 at 14:22 +0100, Luca Benassi wrote:

> thx for your reply ... you're right ;)
> however, what I'd like to try is to pre-train spambayes, before (or, 
> *while*) installing to some clients.

This is how I would do it:
1. Collect a few hundred ham messages AND a few hundred spam messages.
The best thing is to have about equal numbers of ham and spam.
2. Train these messages on one installation.
3. Install spambayes on the other clients
4. Copy the training database from the first installation to the other

Good luck and tell us if this helped.

Amedee Van Gasse <amedee at amedee.be>
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