[Speed] ASLR

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 07:19:05 EDT 2017

2017-03-16 10:22 GMT+01:00 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>:
> I suspect temperature can have an impact on performance if Turbo is
> enabled (or, as you noticed, if CPU cooling is deficient).

Oh sure, I now always start by disabling Turbo Boost. It's common that
I run benchmarks on my desktop PC with Firefox running in the
background. Variable workload on other CPUs is very likely to change
the peak CPU frequency on the CPUs used for benhcmarks, even if CPU
isolation and CPU pinning is used.

> Note that tweaking a system for benchmarking (disabling Turbo,
> disabling ASLR, etc.) may make the results more reproducible, but it
> may also make them less representative of real-world conditions
> (because few people disable Turbo or ASLR, except precisely on
> benchmarking machines :-)).  It's a delicate balancing act!

Yeah, that's also why I chose to enable ASLR. I fear that disabling
ASLR will put me a "local minimum" which is not representative of
average performance when ASLR is enabled and benchmark run using
multiple processes (to test multiple address layouts).


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