[stdlib-sig] should we try to add argparse?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Sep 13 09:31:03 CEST 2009

On 10 Sep, 2009, at 23:25, Benjamin Peterson wrote:

> 2009/9/10 Michael Foord <michael at voidspace.org.uk>:
>> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>>> Upfront people need to realize that we might have three argument
>>>> parsing libraries for a while, but it won't be forever. If we get
>>>> argparse accepted we would slowly deprecate at least optparse, if  
>>>> not
>>>> getopt (lat time I tried to ditch getopt for Python 3 some argued  
>>>> that
>>>> getopt supported stuff optparse didn't),
>>> +0 on deprecating getopt, -1 on deprecating optparse. Breaking a
>>> perfectly functional and useful module is stupid.
>> So we're stuck with inferior technology?
> No, that's never been the case. Download and install argparse.

optparse's source code isn't cast in stone, therefore its interface  
can evolve.

I'm -0 on deprecating getopt, -1 on deprecating optparse and -0 on  
adding argparse as is.


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