[Texas] Advanced Concepts in Python series

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 18:51:38 CEST 2010

We have some volunteer speakers for PyTexas who have expressed
willingness and availability to teach about various advanced aspects
of Python programming, and a very high percentage of PyTexas survey
respondents voiced an interest in that area, but nothing specific has
been proposed.  I've left several slots open in the schedule for this,
and created a wiki page as a starting point to provide some specific
choices for attendees:


Jeff Rush in particular has a variety of presentations he can speak
to, and he'll probably fill at least two of those slots. If you are
interested in helping with this or in filling one of the three open
slots, please let me know.  Also, please feel free to buttress the
wiki page with links to examples of advanced Python presentations.

If we go down that route, this PyTexas is starting to look more
oriented toward tutorial/training of core language aspects for not
only beginners but also advanced users. The schedule does have a
handful of talks offering some variety, including the RackSpace
OpenStack talks, Fred Trotter's Open Source Healthcare IT talk, and
Patrick Michaud's Understanding Open Source Licensing. And of course,
the lighting talks will likely bring a lot of variety.

But I think it's ok if we have a lot of talks strengthening
programming skills using Python; a lot of people are interested in
upgrading their skills. Of course, that may be a bias created by the
way the survey questions were asked. Should we do another survey on
the current schedule and the specific talks being considered?

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