[Texas] PyTexas undecideds: please update your PyTexas registration status

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 19:16:44 CEST 2010

PyTexas 2010 is coming on Aug 28, only three weekends away! The list
of undecideds is still pretty long. Please make a decision soon and
update the wiki page as soon as you can.


If your decision is contingent upon the schedule, please take a look.
It's still a work in progress, and we still have some flexibility
about making changes.


Some excellent speakers will be presenting, about which I'll be
announcing details soon. However, you can find out more now by viewing
the talk proposals:


Also, there is serious talk about RackSpace hosting a party in the
evening. Given the buzz about their recent announcement of
open-sourcing their Python-based cloud technology, I think the
RackSpace talks and party should generate a lot of interest in
attending PyTexas 2010.

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