[Texas] PyTexas 2010 Retrospective: Facility

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Mon Aug 30 21:16:35 CEST 2010

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 11:45:19AM -0500, cody at telnet.org wrote:
> Having someone dedicated to the projector/audo setups might have
> helped, similar to Kevin's room proctor idea.

Yes, I'm not sure what happened with the proejctor in that
one room -- my laptop wouldn't work with it either.  
In presentation mode my laptop outputs 1024x768 @ 60Hz,
which afaik is a very standard video signal for projectors.
My laptop video worked fine for the lightning talk, but
didn't want to work in that room for some reason.


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