[Texas] Student Survey: Python Conference

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 03:21:34 CEST 2010

Thanks for writing this and sending it out, Arthur. I've been
procrastinating on writing up something like this, so I'm very glad
you got it done. We can use this as a basic template for sending out
to Baylor and other schools.

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Arthur Aguirre <aguirre.arthur at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello professors,
> I'm writing on behalf of the organizers of PyTexas 2010, a conference to
> share and gain Python-related knowledge.  As you probably know, Python is an
> open source programming language.  The user groups from Austin, Houston, and
> Dallas are organizing a conference to build and share knowledge of this
> language.  We'd like to gauge interest among university level students and
> others.  To do so we've developed a very brief survey that takes less than 5
> minutes to complete.
> We could use your assistance disseminating the survey to students.  Please
> forward the below introduction and link to students' emails or to an
> appropriate UT listserv.
> Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Arthur Aguirre
> Member of the Austin Python User Group
> *******************************************************************************
> Hello UT Austin Students,
> The PyTexas group invites you to take a very brief survey.  We are
> organizing PyTexas 2010, a conference to share Python-related knowledge and
> enthusiasm, in the form of presentations, coding sprints, "teach me"
> sessions, and general socializing.
> We encourage UT Austin students to get involved!  To do so, please take a
> few moments to answer the questions in our survey.  The link is available
> here or you may copy and paste the link below into your browser.
> Sincerely,
> PyTexas
> http://pytexas.org/
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=9fj1H0BQlQsbWG4LT55DcXz7hhnvgzTQ8MjnmiuHh38%3d&

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