[Tracker-discuss] Feature/Change request handling procedure

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 21 16:12:41 CET 2006

Hi there,

we have been discussing various possible changes to the tracker
prototype, some of which already made it into the current version.

However, up to now there has been very little feedback from those
people most affected by all this.

Thus I wonder:

* What time scale should we expect this whole migration to take to
  move forward ? Would it make sense to set up a time frame to not
  let this drag on for too long ?

* I have made various fine-grained change proposals on the meta
  tracker. Would it be more efficient I made an overall proposal
  that allows to think in terms of the 'big picture', instead of
  piece meal changes ? (Many suggested changes only make sense
  in the context of other changes, so discussing them independently
  may not be very useful.)

* What exactly do we need in order to consider a change to be
  approved ?

While I realize that everybody is busy with his own work, I believe
it would be most efficient if we could have a concentrated effort
at least to define what we want, as opposed to letting discussions
drag on for a long time.
Having to re-read old mails every so often just to swap in the context
to work on these tasks makes life unnecessarily hard.

Many thanks,


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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