[Tracker-discuss] Feature/Change request handling procedure

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Nov 21 20:03:44 CET 2006

Stefan Seefeld schrieb:
> * What time scale should we expect this whole migration to take to
>   move forward ? Would it make sense to set up a time frame to not
>   let this drag on for too long ?

I think so. Some people (GvR in particular) have been asking why
this isn't completed, yet.

It would be good if it completed this year.

> * I have made various fine-grained change proposals on the meta
>   tracker. Would it be more efficient I made an overall proposal
>   that allows to think in terms of the 'big picture', instead of
>   piece meal changes ?

I think people won't respond at all to tracker schema changes,
no matter how much feedback you request. Instead, they want to
see the complete solution, life.

> * What exactly do we need in order to consider a change to be
>   approved ?

The tracker team can do whatever they want, IMO. The infrastructure
committee should back them up and support them as long as we had a
chance to comment.


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