[Tutor] Configure Problems

Snoopy :-)) genius@idirect.com
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 14:59:05 -0500

Thanks for the reply Patrick.  I think I am starting to get the picture.

Actually I have  purchased several books Re Linux., and also studying the
Tutorials, including the ones recommended on the Python Page.  I find
Linux absolutely fascinating.  But learning a New OS and  a Programming
language at the same time to say the least is Challenging.  I guess in
order to become a  GeNiUs :-)) one has to be ready  for a little
inconvenience, like  tolerating the changes of the internal and external
pressure in one's poor little head.

Actually something happened to me last night which indicates that purhaps
I should slow down my enthusiasm a bit.  I was  in the middle of dreaming
about Python and woke up finding myself in the bath room pissing in the
sink instead of the toilet bowl and saw a green snake coming out of the
drain hole.
So what's you opinion?  Do you think maybe there is a need  for some
"time-out".  Any way keep this info a secret since I don't want to be

Just a couple more questions to claarify things.
1.    Am I correct in uderstanding, that your reference to the PATH
variables below  are to be included in my Home directory in the
"bash_profile file  ?(Iam using the bash shell)
For Example:

2.  Would both of the above PATH variables should be put in the
/etc/profile  as well?

Best regards

Patrick Phalen wrote:

> [alan.gauld@bt.com, on Wed, 15 Mar 2000]
> :: > understanding, that if a Path is put into the
> :: > bash_profile file the the shell would find it and it is not
> ::
> :: You need to add it to the PATH variable,
> :: I assume - I use tcsh myself!
> Yes.
> PATH=$PATH:whatever:whatever:whatever
> PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:whatever:whatever
> Note that whatever you add won't take effect until the file is reread
> when you log out and back in.
> Also, there are (presumably) three files in your home directory that
> have special meaning to bash, providing a way for you to set up your
> environment the way you want.
> .bash_profile
> .bashrc
> .bash_logout
> And there should be a global bashrc in /etc.
> .bash_profile is read/executed only by the login shell. If you start up
> a new shell (a subshell), it will attempt to read commands from
> .bashrc. This scheme allows you some flexibility in differentiating
> startup commands from those needed later. If you need the same commands
> run regardless, you need to use the source command from within
> .bash_profile to execute .bashrc. If .bashrc doesn't exist, then
> /etc/bashrc will be executed. If neither exists, no commands are
> executed.
> Once again, these are not Python questions. I encourage you to invest
> in a good basic book on working with Unix or Linux and the shells or
> search the Internet for information.
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