[Tutor] portability

rob@jam.rr.com rob@jam.rr.com
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 06:33:36 -0500

I don't know of a single website I'd recommend for cross-platform Python
scripting, because just about every Python script I've tried running on
both platforms did what it was supposed to. If you go through a tutorial
or two, you may find one that tells you about the special line you can
put in your script on the first line that tells it where to find the
Python interpreter on a Linux box. This line may be left in place when
the script is run on Windows, since it's then interpreted as just a
comment line.

I get the impression that many of the differences in coding for the two
platforms can be somewhat esoteric, but that you often get into the
differences when you import modules designed to work with one OS or the
other (such as if you wanted to work with COM or something in Windows.
Did you have any particular sorts of scripts in mind?

In case it helps, here's my list of links (no operating system


Scott wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a website that offers tips on writing Python
> programs that will run (succesfully :) on Linux and Windows?
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