[Tutor] File copying - best way?

Tesla Coil tescoil@irtc.net
Sun, 05 Aug 2001 00:37:31 -0500

On 4 August 2001, fleet@teachout.org wrote:
> From a beginner's perspective, I'm finding this
> constant ongoing discovery of additional modules
> a little disconcerting.   For a 24-line (so far)
> shell script, I now have 5 modules to import.

You're doing well.  You could write 240 lines,
then discover there were 5 modules you could
have imported instead.  BTDT, count on being
there and doing it again sometime.  

In addition to the online library documentation
for which Danny Yoo provided the link, there's
_Python Essential Reference_ by David M. Beazley
on New Riders Press -- The title I would have been
recommending when new subscribers ask "what book 
should I get to learn Python," but been waiting
for the second edition to arrive that covers 2.1.

It's now arrived, and it's worth all of the price.
You could buy a few books introducing Python.  You
can have a whole bunch of them on your shelf later.
No offense to the authors -- they've written with
the goal of introducing you, and they acheive that.
This one stays within arm's length of the computer.

If you see the first edition discounted, grab it.
You never know when you'll be walking down the 
street and see a 1.5.2 interpreter.