[Tutor] [Q] Installing Python 2.2 on Redhat (fwd)

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 17:37:10 -0800 (PST)

Hi Young-Jin,

Let me forward your question to the rest of the Tutor list; I'll take a
look after dinner.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 15:44:56 -0600
From: Young-Jin Lee <ylee12@uiuc.edu>
To: Danny Yoo <dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] [Q] Installing Python 2.2 on Redhat

> What happens when you try to install both at the same time?  Try:
>     rph -Uvh python2-*.rpm

I tried to double-click them in the Konqueror one by one and I got the
(I'm new to Redhat.) The Redhat linux installed on my computer does not have
How can I solve it in this situation?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Danny Yoo" <dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu>
To: "Young-Jin Lee" <ylee12@uiuc.edu>
Cc: <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] [Q] Installing Python 2.2 on Redhat

> On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Young-Jin Lee wrote:
> > Hi, I have a problem installing Python 2.2 on Redhat.
> > I tried to install Python 2.2 using RPM in the python web site, but it
> > didn't work.
> > When I tried to install python2-2.2-2.i386.rpm, I got "python 2 =
2.1.1-2 is
> > needed by python-devel-2.1.1-2.
> > I also got "python 2 = 2.2 is needed by python2-devel-2.2-2" error
> > when I tried to install python2-devel-2.2-2.i386.rpm.
> > How can I solve this problem?
> What happens when you try to install both at the same time?  Try:
>     rph -Uvh python2-*.rpm
> so that the packaging system can see that both components are being
> upgraded.  Redhat's package mangager is trying to make sure that your
> system's not in an inconsistant state.
> Good luck to you!