[Tutor] 15 puzzle

Bruce Sass bsass@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Fri, 11 May 2001 14:46:29 -0600 (MDT)

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Rick Pasotto wrote:
> I run debian linux and debian is very meticulous about making sure that
> everything in a release works together and consequently debian releases
> are relatively rare.

I wouldn't count on that in the long term (or maybe even beyond the
next Debian release).  The "package pools" setup should increase the
realease frequency; it is already getting harder to pin down a Debian
system because it is easy to "apt-get install"
package/{unstable,testing,stable}, or even specify that "python"
should come out of stable and "python2" should come from testing or


It must be really tough to standardize a working environment when
there are multiple overlapping software and OS releases to contend
with... I don't envy you who have to put up with/make the decisions.

> I can easily install the 2.0 python itself from the debian unstable but
> the corresponding Tkinter requires the new X and that requires lots of
> other new stuff. Not an easy or safe upgrade.

It is very easy, and usually safe.

Of course you need to be somewhat more aware of the little bits of the
OS (the stuff that usually just works) when tracking any
unstable/testing distribution.

- Bruce