[Tutor] PIL Install Question

dman dsh8290@rit.edu
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 15:49:12 -0400

On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 02:22:50AM -0400, Joel Ricker wrote:
| From: "dman" <dsh8290@rit.edu>
| : | Not sure.  I can check.  Is Debian a flavor of Linux?
| :
| : Yes.  If the file /etc/debian-version exists, then it is a debian
| : system.  There is something similar in /etc for RedHat boxes, but I
| : don't know what it is called.
| The /etc/redhat-release file contained the information "Redhat 5.1
| (Manhattan)".

5.1!?  Wow, that's old.  Your admin really should upgrade, but stay
away from the 7.x series (broken libc and non-release quality & binary
incompatible compiler).

| I check rpmfind and found these rpms:
|       python-imaging-1.1.2-3mdk Python's own image processing library
| linux/ia64 linux/i586 linux/i586
|       python-imaging-1.1.2-1mdk Python's own image processing library
| linux/alpha
|       python-imaging-1.1.1-2mdk Python's own image processing library
| Linux/ppc
| I'm thinking that none of these apply to the version of Redhat I'm using
| correct?  

Right, they're for Mandrake (another rpm-based distro).

| I looked up by Vendor and found only about dozen rpms for Redhat
| 5.1.

What version of python does RH5.1 have?

Try this out :


I have no idea if that rpm is binary compatible with 5.1 or not, but
give it a try.  The worst thing that could happend is it doesn't work
(ie it doesn't run or python crashes when you try and use it) and the
admin needs to remove the package.
