[Tutor] collecting keyboard input

Andrei Kulakov ak@silmarill.org
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 15:40:09 -0400

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 05:25:39PM -0700, Mathew P. wrote:
> I understand that this is the place to be a total newbie in confidence
> :-)
> Well, here goes.
> I am writing a python program on linux and most input is parsed from
> the command line at run time.
> However, there are a few places in the program where I need to ask the
> user a question or two mid run.
> I would like to know what facilities python has for collecting keyboard
> input and error checking it on the fly (limiting the string length, not
> allowing numeric imput in string input fields vice/versa and so on.) I
> was kinda thinking of basic's input and instring functions, but I am
> quite sure that python has facilities that are *worlds* above anything
> basic has to offer, since it rocks in every other area!
> thanks for the help,
> Mathew

You ought to use raw_input() and then manually check if it's not too
long, if it's got numbers or chars in it, etc.

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