[Tutor] Re: Python for RAD (was: Re: q about method(self))

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Mon, 02 Sep 2002 10:11:13 +0200

At 08:20 2002-09-01 -0700, Emile van Sebille wrote:
> > That's what I was thinking too.  Thanks for responding, I hope that
> > anyone else who has used python for prototyping for another language
> > (especially an OO language like Java) will comment as well.
> >
>I'd like to know as well if python is actually being used this way.  I half
>expect that this notion of 'python as prototyping tool' is a myth designed
>to get python into the 'approved language only' shops.  Once the=
>is written in a fraction of the time and shown to perform acceptably well,
>no re-write is performed and python becomes accepted.

eShop was written in Python and I think it was rewritten in C++ once
Microsoft had bought it. I don't think Greg Stein and his friends had
bothered rewiting it if they had kept it. But it was probably better
this way. Not because of the C++ code, but because Greg was paid enough
by MS to be able to code as much Python as he likes...

In general I think it's more common that only bottlenecks are rewritten
in C or C++.

It's certainly very common that Python is used in systems where several
programming languages are used. Typically with C, C++, Java or Fortran.

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
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tel: 070-582 80 65, fax: 070-612 80 65
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