[Tutor] Question about socket connections

Rob Brown-Bayliss rob@zoism.org
21 Sep 2002 08:14:58 +1200

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 14:36, Ashish Shrestha wrote:

> I have done Gui apps with xmlrpc. Here's my logic.
> I implement xmlrpc client and xmlrpc server in both side (client and server)
> so client has a xmlrpc server + client and server has xmlrpc server+client
> when the client starts it registers with the server with its url 
> (address and port)
> i then have a two way channel for communication.

Thats essentially what I had started, except that I had the client ask
the server for a port number, that way allowing more than one client to
operate on the same machine.

How were you handling the actual server class in your apps?


*  Rob Brown-Bayliss