[Tutor] What IDE do you prefer?

Scot W. Stevenson scot@possum.in-berlin.de
Sun, 22 Sep 2002 12:29:07 +0200

Hello Steve, 

> Just curious. What are some of your favorite IDEs and/or text editors?

If you use all ten fingers to type, definitely take the time to learn vim 
for both. It has wonderful Python support (including automatically 
continuing comments), there is a version for every platform, and you will 
only have to learn how to use one editor for the rest of you life. 

Y, Scot

   Scot W. Stevenson wrote me on Sunday, 22. Sep 2002 in Zepernick, Germany   
       on his happy little Linux system that has been up for 2313 hours       
        and has a CPU that is falling asleep at a system load of 0.05.