[Tutor] Problems with OSX Python bundle from link on Jack's MacPython page..

Sebastian Tennant seb@albert.vcisp.net
Fri Apr 4 10:20:01 2003

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Hi all,

I originally sent this to bob@redivi.com (the bundle maker) but so far  
nothing.  I'm not sure if this is the right list for this sort of query  
as it's not strictly a programming question.  If it isn't perhaps  
someone could point me in the right direction.  However, if anyone can  
help me / explain what's going on, I'd be v. grateful.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sebastian Tennant <seb@albert.vcisp.net>
> Date: Thu Mar 27, 2003  6:04:30  pm Europe/London
> To: bob@redivi.com
> Subject: Having a few problems with your bundle...
> Hi there.
> 	Sorry to trouble you.  I've installed the bundle  
> (pygame-1.3.4-osx-kitchensink.pkg.tar) using the tar command as  
> advised and can't get Tkinter to work, but first of all was just  
> wondering if you could explain something to me. I was only really  
> interested in Tkinter, but thought that there was no harm in a few  
> extra modules.  I didn't realise that the bundle included a full  
> pyhton2.2 installation so now I think I'm right in saying I've got two  
> python installations on my machine, (a G4 running OS X 10.2.4); the  
> pre-compiled Apple bundle, under /usr/lib/pyhton2.2/, and yours, under  
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/lib/python2.2/.   
> Just to confound me more, the new modules that came with the bundle  
> seem to have ALSO been installed under /usr/lib/pyhton2.2/?
> 	For instance, when I type pyhton from the command line which  
> executable am I visiting?
> [sebbyt: /usr] % ls bin/python
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root	wheel	784920 Feb 15 20:39 bin/python*
> [sebbyt: /usr] % ls local/bin/python
> lrwxr-xr-x    1 sebbyt	staff	64 Mar 26 13:36 local/bin/python ->  
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python*
> 	/usr/local/bin/ is before /usr/bin/ in my PATH so I presume I am  
> visiting the latter.
> PATH=/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/Users/sebbyt/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin:/Users/ 
> sebbyt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/ 
> sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin
> 	I've set my environment variables as follows:
> PYTHONDOCS=/usr/local/share/doc/python2.2
> TK_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-tk
> TCL_LIBRARY=/System/Library/Tcl/8.3
> 	(For TK_LIBRARY I have also tried  
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/lib/python2.2/lib-> tk)
> 	So what actually is the problem I can hear you ask.  Well when I try  
> and test Tkinter by creating a simple button, somethimes I get the  
> button on screen before Python crashes, sometimes not.  Calling 'pydoc  
> -g' crashes python every time, (being a GUI I assume it utilises  
> Tkinter), so this is the output within the interpreter from 'pydoc -g'  
> and the crash report follows after that.
> [sebbyt: ~/.Terminal_folder] % pydoc -g
> TkMacOSXDoHLEvent failed : eppc 1                   ,kHighLevelEvent   
> 61657674 0000 aevt,-1708
> RCNE SendEventToEventTarget (eppc 1                   ) failed, -9874
> Bus error
> Date/Time:  2003-03-27 16:41:09 +0000
> OS Version: 10.2.4 (Build 6I32)
> Host:       sebbyt.local.
> Command:    python
> PID:        2572
> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
> Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000358
> Thread 0:
>  #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>  #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
>  #2   0x00444d80 in PyThread_acquire_lock (thread.c:370)
>  #3   0x00212ef8 in Tkapp_MainLoop (_tkinter.c:1698)
>  #4   0x003f0814 in PyCFunction_Call (methodobject.c:101)
>  #5   0x0041e05c in eval_frame (ceval.c:1994)
>  #6   0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #7   0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #8   0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #9   0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #10  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #11  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #12  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #13  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #14  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #15  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #16  0x0041a70c in PyEval_EvalCode (ceval.c:483)
>  #17  0x0043d4d0 in run_node (pythonrun.c:1084)
>  #18  0x0043d474 in run_err_node (pythonrun.c:1070)
>  #19  0x0043d440 in PyRun_FileExFlags (pythonrun.c:1062)
>  #20  0x0043c4c0 in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (pythonrun.c:692)
>  #21  0x0043bed8 in PyRun_AnyFileExFlags (pythonrun.c:499)
>  #22  0x0044681c in Py_Main (main.c:369)
>  #23  0x00001e1c in _start
>  #24  0x00001c4c in start
> Thread 1:
>  #0   0x9002578c in select
>  #1   0x00d84310 in NotifierThreadProc (tkMacOSXNotify.c:1027)
>  #2   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body
> Thread 2 Crashed:
>  #0   0x00d033c8 in Tk_FreeGC (tkGC.c:300)
>  #1   0x00cbfb50 in TkButtonWorldChanged (tkButton.c:1313)
>  #2   0x00cbfa2c in ConfigureButton (tkButton.c:1255)
>  #3   0x00cbeed4 in ButtonWidgetObjCmd (tkButton.c:816)
>  #4   0x00a63610 in EvalObjv (tclParse.c:932)
>  #5   0x00a637e4 in Tcl_EvalObjv (tclParse.c:1019)
>  #6   0x00210e18 in Tkapp_Call (_tkinter.c:622)
>  #7   0x00420a70 in fast_cfunction (ceval.c:3121)
>  #8   0x0041e0a8 in eval_frame (ceval.c:1996)
>  #9   0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #10  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #11  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #12  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #13  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #14  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #15  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #16  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #17  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #18  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #19  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)
>  #20  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #21  0x003d8208 in instancemethod_call (classobject.c:2277)
>  #22  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #23  0x00420f98 in do_call (ceval.c:3251)
>  #24  0x0041e178 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2016)
>  #25  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #26  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)
>  #27  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #28  0x003d8208 in instancemethod_call (classobject.c:2277)
>  #29  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #30  0x004207f0 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (ceval.c:3039)
>  #31  0x003d382c in PyInstance_New (classobject.c:558)
>  #32  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #33  0x00420f98 in do_call (ceval.c:3251)
>  #34  0x0041e178 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2016)
>  #35  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #36  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)
>  #37  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #38  0x004207f0 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (ceval.c:3039)
>  #39  0x00414f10 in builtin_apply (bltinmodule.c:99)
>  #40  0x003f0814 in PyCFunction_Call (methodobject.c:101)
>  #41  0x0041e05c in eval_frame (ceval.c:1994)
>  #42  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #43  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)
>  #44  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)
>  #45  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)
>  #46  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)
>  #47  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #48  0x003d8208 in instancemethod_call (classobject.c:2277)
>  #49  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)
>  #50  0x004207f0 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (ceval.c:3039)
>  #51  0x00448248 in t_bootstrap (threadmodule.c:192)
>  #52  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body
> PPC Thread State:
>   srr0: 0x00d033c8 srr1: 0x0000f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
>    xer: 0x00000000   lr: 0x00d033bc  ctr: 0x90000ec0   mq: 0x00000000
>     r0: 0x00000000   r1: 0xf01003f0   r2: 0x00000000   r3: 0x00000000
>     r4: 0x00c761d0   r5: 0x00000010   r6: 0x00000010   r7: 0x00000000
>     r8: 0x00052010   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x00000000  r11: 0xa00046fc
>    r12: 0x90000ec0  r13: 0x00000083  r14: 0x001059dc  r15: 0x00000000
>    r16: 0x00000000  r17: 0x00000000  r18: 0x00000000  r19: 0x0236acd0
>    r20: 0x0017b805  r21: 0x001059ec  r22: 0xf01008e8  r23: 0x0020c2d0
>    r24: 0x001d39c0  r25: 0x00000000  r26: 0x00000004  r27: 0xf01008e8
>    r28: 0x0236acd0  r29: 0x00c76930  r30: 0xf01003f0  r31: 0x00d033a8
> 	Any help you can give me will be MUCH appreciated.  No doubt the  
> problem is trivial.
> Yours,
> Seb
> "War is not the answer..." - Marvin Gaye - 'What's Going On?'

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Hi all,

I originally sent this to bob@redivi.com (the bundle maker) but so far
nothing.  I'm not sure if this is the right list for this sort of
query as it's not strictly a programming question.  If it isn't
perhaps someone could point me in the right direction.  However, if
anyone can help me / explain what's going on, I'd be v. grateful.


Begin forwarded message:

<excerpt><bold>From: </bold>Sebastian Tennant <<seb@albert.vcisp.net>

<bold>Date: </bold>Thu Mar 27, 2003  6:04:30  pm Europe/London

<bold>To: </bold>bob@redivi.com

<bold>Subject: </bold>Having a few problems with your bundle...

<fixed><bigger>Hi there.

	Sorry to trouble you.  I've installed the bundle
</color>using the tar command as advised and can't get Tkinter to
work, but first of all was just wondering if you could explain
something to me. I was only really interested in Tkinter, but thought
that there was no harm in a few extra modules.  I didn't realise that
the bundle included a full pyhton2.2 installation so now I think I'm
right in saying I've got two python installations on my machine, (a G4
running OS X 10.2.4); the pre-compiled Apple bundle, under
/usr/lib/pyhton2.2/, and yours, under
Just to confound me more, the new modules that came with the bundle
seem to have ALSO been installed under /usr/lib/pyhton2.2/?

	For instance, when I type pyhton from the command line which
executable am I visiting?

<color><param>FFFC,9D99,5F5B</param>[sebbyt: /usr] % ls bin/python

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root	wheel	784920 Feb 15 20:39 bin/python*

[sebbyt: /usr] % ls local/bin/python

lrwxr-xr-x    1 sebbyt	staff	64 Mar 26 13:36 local/bin/python ->


	/usr/local/bin/ is before /usr/bin/ in my PATH so I presume I am
visiting the latter.



	I've set my environment variables as follows:





	(For TK_LIBRARY I have also tried

	So what actually is the problem I can hear you ask.  Well when I try
and test Tkinter by creating a simple button, somethimes I get the
button on screen before Python crashes, sometimes not.  Calling 'pydoc
-g' crashes python every time, (being a GUI I assume it utilises
Tkinter), so this is the output within the interpreter from 'pydoc -g'
and the crash report follows after that.

<color><param>FFFC,9D99,5F5B</param>[sebbyt: ~/.Terminal_folder] %
pydoc -g

TkMacOSXDoHLEvent failed : eppc 1                   ,kHighLevelEvent 
61657674 0000 aevt,-1708

RCNE SendEventToEventTarget (eppc 1                   ) failed, -9874

Bus error</color>


Date/Time:  2003-03-27 16:41:09 +0000

OS Version: 10.2.4 (Build 6I32)

Host:       sebbyt.local.

Command:    python

PID:        2572

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)

Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000358

Thread 0:

 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap

 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait

 #2   0x00444d80 in PyThread_acquire_lock (thread.c:370)

 #3   0x00212ef8 in Tkapp_MainLoop (_tkinter.c:1698)

 #4   0x003f0814 in PyCFunction_Call (methodobject.c:101)

 #5   0x0041e05c in eval_frame (ceval.c:1994)

 #6   0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #7   0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #8   0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #9   0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #10  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #11  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #12  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #13  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #14  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #15  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #16  0x0041a70c in PyEval_EvalCode (ceval.c:483)

 #17  0x0043d4d0 in run_node (pythonrun.c:1084)

 #18  0x0043d474 in run_err_node (pythonrun.c:1070)

 #19  0x0043d440 in PyRun_FileExFlags (pythonrun.c:1062)

 #20  0x0043c4c0 in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (pythonrun.c:692)

 #21  0x0043bed8 in PyRun_AnyFileExFlags (pythonrun.c:499)

 #22  0x0044681c in Py_Main (main.c:369)

 #23  0x00001e1c in _start

 #24  0x00001c4c in start

Thread 1:

 #0   0x9002578c in select

 #1   0x00d84310 in NotifierThreadProc (tkMacOSXNotify.c:1027)

 #2   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2 Crashed:

 #0   0x00d033c8 in Tk_FreeGC (tkGC.c:300)

 #1   0x00cbfb50 in TkButtonWorldChanged (tkButton.c:1313)

 #2   0x00cbfa2c in ConfigureButton (tkButton.c:1255)

 #3   0x00cbeed4 in ButtonWidgetObjCmd (tkButton.c:816)

 #4   0x00a63610 in EvalObjv (tclParse.c:932)

 #5   0x00a637e4 in Tcl_EvalObjv (tclParse.c:1019)

 #6   0x00210e18 in Tkapp_Call (_tkinter.c:622)

 #7   0x00420a70 in fast_cfunction (ceval.c:3121)

 #8   0x0041e0a8 in eval_frame (ceval.c:1996)

 #9   0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #10  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #11  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #12  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #13  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #14  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #15  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #16  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #17  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #18  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #19  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)

 #20  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #21  0x003d8208 in instancemethod_call (classobject.c:2277)

 #22  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #23  0x00420f98 in do_call (ceval.c:3251)

 #24  0x0041e178 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2016)

 #25  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #26  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)

 #27  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #28  0x003d8208 in instancemethod_call (classobject.c:2277)

 #29  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #30  0x004207f0 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (ceval.c:3039)

 #31  0x003d382c in PyInstance_New (classobject.c:558)

 #32  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #33  0x00420f98 in do_call (ceval.c:3251)

 #34  0x0041e178 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2016)

 #35  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #36  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)

 #37  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #38  0x004207f0 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (ceval.c:3039)

 #39  0x00414f10 in builtin_apply (bltinmodule.c:99)

 #40  0x003f0814 in PyCFunction_Call (methodobject.c:101)

 #41  0x0041e05c in eval_frame (ceval.c:1994)

 #42  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #43  0x00420b8c in fast_function (ceval.c:3154)

 #44  0x0041e160 in eval_frame (ceval.c:2015)

 #45  0x0041f5a4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2574)

 #46  0x003e2bd4 in function_call (funcobject.c:381)

 #47  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #48  0x003d8208 in instancemethod_call (classobject.c:2277)

 #49  0x003d0604 in PyObject_Call (abstract.c:1666)

 #50  0x004207f0 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (ceval.c:3039)

 #51  0x00448248 in t_bootstrap (threadmodule.c:192)

 #52  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:

  srr0: 0x00d033c8 srr1: 0x0000f030                vrsave: 0x00000000

   xer: 0x00000000   lr: 0x00d033bc  ctr: 0x90000ec0   mq: 0x00000000

    r0: 0x00000000   r1: 0xf01003f0   r2: 0x00000000   r3: 0x00000000

    r4: 0x00c761d0   r5: 0x00000010   r6: 0x00000010   r7: 0x00000000

    r8: 0x00052010   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x00000000  r11: 0xa00046fc

   r12: 0x90000ec0  r13: 0x00000083  r14: 0x001059dc  r15: 0x00000000

   r16: 0x00000000  r17: 0x00000000  r18: 0x00000000  r19: 0x0236acd0

   r20: 0x0017b805  r21: 0x001059ec  r22: 0xf01008e8  r23: 0x0020c2d0

   r24: 0x001d39c0  r25: 0x00000000  r26: 0x00000004  r27: 0xf01008e8

   r28: 0x0236acd0  r29: 0x00c76930  r30: 0xf01003f0  r31: 0x00d033a8


	Any help you can give me will be MUCH appreciated.  No doubt the
problem is trivial.





"War is not the answer..." - Marvin Gaye - 'What's Going On?'</color></italic>

