[Tutor] getting the current method name
Jeff Shannon
Thu Apr 17 14:47:01 2003
antonmuhin at rambler.ru wrote:
>AG> how to do the following:
>AG> class x:
>AG> def y():
>AG> print "Hi, my name is",<<method-name --> 'y'>>
>Try the following:
>import sys
>def get_callee_name(depth = 0):
> return sys._getframe(depth + 1).f_code.co_name
Needless to say, this is black magic. It may work, but one should be
careful using it -- it seems very poor programming practice to make an
application be dependent on the deep internals of the interpreter it's
running on. Among other issues, there's no guarantee that the next
version of Python (or the current version of Jython) will have the same
call frame structure. (Indeed, I believe that Stackless does *not* have
the same structure, and I wouldn't want to put any bets on this working
consistently under Stackless...)
My immediate thought would be to ask why the name of the current method
is needed? There may be a better solution to the problem that is being
Jeff Shannon
Credit International