[Tutor] __init__ for class instantiation?
antonmuhin at rambler.ru
antonmuhin at rambler.ru" <antonmuhin@rambler.ru
Fri Apr 25 12:19:00 2003
Hello Zak,
Friday, April 25, 2003, 7:51:51 PM, you wrote:
ZA> Here's a short history: I'm working on an interactive fiction engine, and
ZA> I'd like to create a list of verbs dynamically, based on the classes
ZA> created.
ZA> My current solution is to define the class, then run a verb-grabber
ZA> function right after that definition:
ZA> import wordlist
ZA> def getActions (thingClass):
ZA> for m in dir (thingClass):
ZA> if m [:4] == 'act_':
ZA> wordlist.addVerb (m [4:])
ZA> # Player class, where act_* defines a verb
ZA> class Player (Thing):
ZA> def __init__ (self):
ZA> ... code ...
ZA> def act_go (self, parsed):
ZA> ... code ...
ZA> def act_look (self, parsed):
ZA> ... code ...
ZA> getActions (Player)
ZA> ---
ZA> My question is: Is there a function I can define in the base Thing class
ZA> which would run once Player (or any other Thing child) has been fully
ZA> defined? Or is my current solution as close as I can get?
ZA> ---
ZA> Lastly, thanks for the quick answers to my last question! I'm looking
ZA> forward to being a contributing part of this list.
I hope that this example might be of interest for you:
class MetaVerbPrinter(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
print "Verbs of class", name, ">", [m for m in dict if m.startswith("act_")]
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
class Thing:
__metaclass__ = MetaVerbPrinter
class Player (Thing):
def __init__ (self): pass
def act_go (self, parsed): pass
def act_look (self, parsed): pass
*Warning* I'm just playing with metaclasses and I'm not an expert.
Best regards,
anton mailto:antonmuhin@rambler.ru