[Tutor] More py please?

Gus Tabares gus.tabares at verizon.net
Sun Aug 24 17:10:55 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 09:59, SGD wrote:
> I would like to install multipe instances of python, specificly 2.2.3
> and 2.3. 
> Is this possible? And if so, what are the laws that govern the process?
> I tried the manuals, but I must have missed it...


   You'd probably have to tell us which operating system you plan on
doing this on. I've successfully run two different versions of Python on
a Windows machine, but I have not tried this under Linux. 

   The only thing you should be careful of is your PATH system variable.
You'd have to set it accordingly depending on which version of Python
you want to access at that certain time.


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