[Tutor] List exercise
Mon Feb 10 07:19:02 2003
> I prefer writing little real world programs just after
> getting a glimps on the language core
AS I said in an earlier post, different strokes etc.
Most good tutors will provide examples and suggested exercises too.
> problems/ tasks. I believe you can put them with python to a
> useful solution with your thought just on the problems
> ...This way you learn how to think like those computer
> guys by need.
The only problem with this approach is that learning by experience
can teach an awful lot of bad habits that are hard to break. Using
a tutorial that teaches good habits early saves a lot of time in
the long run because you don't have to unlearn so much.
> This way you will very probably write code which isn't that
> good looking even to yourself after you have more experience.
Exactly so.
> my first-week-script is yet running and does it useful job!
And this is the counter argument. If it scratches your itch then
go for it. But keep reading the tutorials too...
> I have learned how to use dictionary three month after I have started
> programming because I must learn *why* to use them:
Interesting.. Because dictionaries are things we use all the time
in real life. Why would you find them so difficult to grasp in a
programming context? People from other languages who don't
have dictionaries often don't see the need, but someone with no
baggage should, I'd think, see the usefulnes straight away?
At least thats been my experience when training non programmers
in awk(a language that uses dictionaries extensively).
Alan g.
Author of the Learn to Program website