[Tutor] Python4Kids

Alan Trautman ATrautman@perryjudds.com
Wed Feb 26 10:08:55 2003


Nice site, my German is horribly rusty to non-existent but it looks =
like a
really good project and I was really able to understand most of it. I
personally think that Python with its many capabilities and strong =
would have benefited me more than Pascal and Basic which I started on. =
didn't really learn to program until my first job in COBOL. Sometimes I
think it would be good to go back to punch cards as you then have to =
more time thinking than compiling. I will continue to recommend Python =
as my
choice for teaching young people how to program because it uses very =
(IMO) symbols and has a strong object oriented base. Tkinter is more =
adequate for basic teen and pre-teen games and you don't have to worry =
the platform they are on much.

Sorry if this is too off topic for this list but this is another area =
I think Python really can excel.


>I'd like to inform you, that my new book "Python f=FCr Kids"
>is out now. Needless to say that, while writing the
>book, communicating with the members of this list
>for me was an indispensable support. Thank you all!!!

>You may have a look at the accompanying website

>It's a German book for Teens. I announce it here,
>on an English mailing-list, because I know that
>there are German speaking readers participating.