[Tutor] Debug

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Jan 7 17:55:18 2003

> >> I didn't get that problem, I just set a break point, hit run then 
> >> used step over/step into to go through my code.
> you hit Run, you probably got a prompt?  How did you answer it? And
> what happened after that?

OK, Here's what I'm  doing step by step:

Open Python win
File->Open  select debug.py
Select a line in my code and hit F9 - Toggle Breakpoint
*Hit the "Sprinting man" icon in toolbar
*Hit OK in dialog box
Select View_>Toolbars->debugging
In the debug toolbar hit GO (black arrow)
Code runs to breakpoint
Hit Step Into
Code steps into my test function(see below)
Hit step over, code stepsd to first line
Open function/local browser to see variable values
Step over thru' loop a few times
Step out of to exit loop
Examine variable values
Step out of again to reach end of program
Step over ends program with SystemExit exception displkayed 
     in output (shell) window

I don't think the lines prefixed '*' are needed.... 
just checked no, they aren't.


Alan G.