[Tutor] Looking for some utilities

Emily Lea Connally connally@fas.harvard.edu
Fri Jul 25 12:55:03 2003

Hey everyone, I'm very new to programming, in fact, Python is my first
language. I've been teaching myself for the past week or so, and I ran
into a problem with the program I'm currently trying to write.
I need to read the file and search for an address that the user had
entered earlier in the program and delete that address if found. Can I do
this using a text file or should I set up a database or what?
Sorry if this question is a little elementary, but I am honestly brand new
to programming and really stuck here. The tutorials I've read online are
helpful, but I still can't seem to get it right.
thanks for any help you can offer

    Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has
  crushed it.
	- Mark Twain