[Tutor] subscript problem
Alan Gauld
Tue Jun 3 17:11:11 2003
> I am having a problem with handling some pointers.
> My problem is like this:
> typedef struct ab
> {
> short n_p;
Thus far we see C code
> Now the function:
> XYZ(AB* out)
Which also looks like old style C with its
implicit integer return type...
> v_start = out -> po[first]; // v_start is of type Vec.
> }
> The problem is that when i use po[first] it gives
> an error message saying that
> AttributeError: Vec instance has no attribute '__getitem__'
Which looks like a Python error. Can you show us where
python is getting called? You have pure C code hee so
far as I can tell.
po is a pointer to Vec which in C could be an array of
Vec - you certainly seem to assume so othewise
indexing makes no sense!is a struct so where is the
function called from? With what arguments? And where
does Python come into this?
A Puzzled Python Tutor,
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor