2003-June Archives by Thread
Starting: Sun Jun 1 00:35:04 2003
Ending: Mon Jun 30 23:40:02 2003
Messages: 915
- [Tutor] unit testing
Tom Plunket
- [Tutor] Re: recursion sort of
Shantanu Mahajan
- [Tutor] -Recursive Functions
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Installing gnome-python/conflicts with old python versions
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] recursion sort of
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Finding MIMEImage
Mike Wagman
- [Tutor] -Recursive Functions
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Installing gnome-python/conflicts with old python
versions trouble
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] -Recursive Functions (fwd)
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Finding a MIME image
Mike Wagman
- [Tutor] Re:-Recursive Functions
Evripides Loizides
- [Tutor] recursion and sicp
- [Tutor] Re:-Recursive Functions (fwd)
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Re:-Recursive Functions (fwd)
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] super question...
ali mangaliag
- [Tutor] thanks
Jennifer Cianciolo
- FW: [Tutor] help on newbie program
Nick Jensen
- FW: [Tutor] help on newbie program
Nick Jensen
- [Tutor] Newbie here ... Have just downloaded Python 2.2.2 an
d am
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] Re: gp2c for windows xp and PBX translator
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] what is the difference between a scripting and object oriented programming language?
Nick Jensen
- [Tutor] imaplib copy
Michael Montagne
- [Tutor] Newbie here ... Have python installed and have been trying the beginning tutorials
- [Tutor] Problems with Minidom XML Parser
Andy Osagie
- [Tutor] Resetting the environment
Tom Plunket
- [Tutor] documentation
roy ollis
- [Tutor] The remainder %
- [Tutor] I don't understand why it doesn't work :(
- [Tutor] subscript problem
Jimmy verma
- [Tutor] Curiosity question(s) here ... how many of you folks are using python in your day-to-day work environment and ...
- [Tutor] Curiosity question(s) here ... how many of you folks
are using python in your day-to-day work environment and ...
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] Variable Modification in a class
Mehta, Anish
- [Tutor] Re: I don't understand why it doesn't work :(
Charlie Clark
- [Tutor] Variable Modification in a class
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] what is the difference between a scripting and object oriented programming language?
Nick Jensen
- [Tutor] subscript problem
Jimmy verma
- [Tutor] Query re: IDLE & Slackware 9.0
- [Tutor] newbie programmer
- [Tutor] /usr/bin/env problem
Neil Hodge
- [Tutor] The remainder %
Gates, George
- [Tutor] Unsupported operand types for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' - HUH?!
Eladio Ventura
- [Tutor] inheriting private variables...
ali mangaliag
- [Tutor] subscript problem
Jimmy verma
- [Tutor] Indentation
- FW: [Tutor] Indentation
Seabrook, Richard
- [Tutor] CellColor in excel
- [Tutor] using variables from other classes
Diego Galho Prestes
- [Tutor] Socket module woes.
Fred Allen
- [Tutor] Query re: IDLE & Slackware 9.0
- [Tutor] What command or sequence of commands to I need to use ... please see inside for description
- [Tutor] help request from a newbie w/ problems parsing XML
Andy Osagie
- [Tutor] mail not getting through (ignore!)
Paul Tremblay
- [Tutor] Noob to Python - Need help with Variables
Tony Stevenson
- [Tutor] unsubscriptable error
Vidhya Narayanan
- [Tutor] Noob to Python - Need help with Variables
- [Tutor] Noob to Python - Need help with Variables
Ole Jensen
- [Tutor] Tkinter OptionMenu question
Neil Hodge
- [Tutor] Creating your first CGI-script
Ole Jensen
- [Tutor] Noob to Python - Need help with Variables
Tony Stevenson
- [Tutor] python string __add__
- [Tutor] Binary Tree Printing Woes
- [Tutor] chinese in python2.2.3
- [Tutor] python string __add__
Scott Widney
- [Tutor] Is the list working?
- [Tutor] how to learn programming,and how to use python as the first one u program?
Khai Nguyen
- [Tutor] Creating your first CGI-script
Ole Jensen
- [Tutor] lists
Vidhya Narayanan
- [Tutor] where to put configuration files
Paul Tremblay
- [Tutor] matrix q?
Evripides Loizides
- [Tutor] charts
Michael Montagne
- [Tutor] matrix q?
Evripides Loizides
- [Tutor] about little function
Abdirizak abdi
- [Tutor] matrix q? print the first column of matrix
evros loizides
- [Tutor] matrix q?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] (no subject)
bob smith
- [Tutor] Noob to Python - Need help with Variables
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Re: Need help on modifying buffer passed to python script from c
Shantanu Mahajan
- [Tutor] Re: /usr/bin/env problem
Shantanu Mahajan
- [Tutor] Find all objects that refer to another object?
- [Tutor] Find all objects that refer to another object?
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] matrix q? print the first column of matrix
Seabrook, Richard
- [Tutor] about a program
Abdirizak abdi
- [Tutor] matrix q?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Retrieving arp of gateway
Adam Shand
- [Tutor] File path
Homer Ellison
- [Tutor] testing for variable creation?
Thomas CLive Richards
- [Tutor] With
Mike Hansen
- [Tutor] text to xml
Tom Brownlee
- [Tutor] web tool
Kirk Bailey
- [Tutor] RE: File path
Homer Ellison
- [Tutor] Pmw ScrolledCanvas Issues ..........
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] Handling multiple file checkins in Clearcase from Python
- [Tutor] Partially solved Pmw.ScrolledCanvas issues.....
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] The course of M. Gauld +a console problem
- [Tutor] unsubscribe
Stephen Douthit
- [Tutor] Function type?
Zak Arntson
- [Tutor] ANN: BayPIGgies mtg Wed Jun 11 7:30pm
Wesley Chun
- [Tutor] Maths operations on lists
- [Tutor] please help- lists
- [Tutor] Help on float & round.
- [Tutor] Help on float & round.
- [Tutor] mod_python question
Timothy M. Brauch
- [Tutor] Re: Maths operations on lists
- [Tutor] The course of M. Gauld +a console problem
Poor Yorick
- [Tutor] Help on float & round.
- [Tutor] recommended mail modules?
Lance E Sloan
- [Tutor] (no subject)
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] Need urgent solution......................
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] MySQLdb INSERT with while or for loop
- [Tutor] Pointer handling
Jimmy verma
- [Tutor] Maths Operations on lists (update)
- [Tutor] MySQLdb INSERT with while or for loop
- [Tutor] MySQLdb INSERT with while or for loop
- [Tutor] MySQLdb INSERT with while or for loop
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Can you modify every nth item in a list with a single assignment?
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] IMAP help to delete and copy messages
Jacob Abraham
- [Tutor] (no subject)
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] Cnavas rectangle filling......................
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] Function assignment (was: Re: Function type?)
Zak Arntson
- [Tutor] How to set up Tkinter in Linux?
- [Tutor] Can you modify every nth item in a list with a single assignment?
Hsi-Chen Lee
- [Tutor] (mod_python v. Python) and Apache
Timothy M. Brauch
- [Tutor] so.system() return values
Tim Johnson
- [Tutor] Convert a 3letter month, is there a better way?
- [Tutor] [Tutor]how to get tree view widgets in python GUI? (for linux os)
- [Tutor] methods and functions
Gerardo Arnaez
- [Tutor] methods and functions
Gerardo Arnaez
- [Tutor] methods and functions
Seabrook, Richard
- [Tutor] encodings
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Tutor] Getting class method variable values
gyro funch
- [Tutor] Class attributes & append method
Zak Arntson
- [Tutor] Passing variables into classes
Diego Galho Prestes
- [Tutor] Re: txt to xml using dom
Tom Brownlee
- [Tutor] Getting class method variable values
gyro funch
- [Tutor] mailing list
- [Tutor] How to make a proposal for module change to Python struct module?
Scott Chapman
- [Tutor] python date::manip like module?
- [Tutor] PostgreSQL driver recommendations?
Eric L. Howard
- [Tutor] file eats first character, film at 11
Kirk Bailey
- [Tutor] Getting class method variable values
gyro funch
- [Tutor] Updating webpage
- [Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy
- [Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] please unsubscribe
- [Tutor] Reminded why Python is so good
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] languages
Vernon Miller
- [Tutor] jpeg2000?
- [Tutor] Creation of function
- [Tutor] Creation of function
- [Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy
Charlie Clark
- [Tutor] Create new MySQL database from user input.
- [Tutor] Create new MySQL database from user input.
- [Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy
- [Tutor] languages
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] Raw Image Format
- [Tutor] languages
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] Redirecting output
Rick Owen
- [Tutor] tutor list
- [Tutor] Re: Raw Image Format
Lee Harr
- [Tutor] tutor list
Greg Chapman
- [Tutor] Finding text in a long string
Timothy M. Brauch
- [Tutor] Finding text in a long string
Greg Chapman
- [Tutor] Class
Darren Teo
- [Tutor] Python and wx questions
Krisztian Kepes
- [Tutor] languages
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fwd:_V=E1:_Re:_[Tutor]_Python_and_wx_quest_?=
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Re: Finding text in a long string
Shantanu Mahajan
- [Tutor] Newbie project, possible?
Ruben Walston
- [Tutor] Redirecting output + calling dos commands with input tail
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] tutor llist
- [Tutor] MySQLdb table is DATE, but SELECT returns with TIMESTAMP.
- [Tutor] Memoizing automatically?
Gregor Lingl
- [Tutor] Memoizing ...
Gregor Lingl
- [Tutor] Redirecting output + calling dos commands with input tail
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Using a Stack to evaluate postfix....?
- [Tutor] Redirecting output + calling dos commands with input tail
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Redirecting output + calling dos commands with input tail
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] CUPS-page_log processing
Rudolf Maurer
- [Tutor] Using Idle under Windows
Patrick Kirk
- [Tutor] programming definitions for a newbie.
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] If you are interested
Mike Wagman
- [Tutor] tkSimpleDialog box question............
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] trusted?
Gerardo Arnaez
- [Tutor] sending hex data on port
- [Tutor] trusted?
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] Re: sending hex data on port
- [Tutor] programming definitions for a newbie.
Ruben Walston
- [Tutor] Using time module to count off seconds before an event
- [Tutor] Re: sending hex data on port
- [Tutor] MySQLdb table is DATE, but SELECT returns with
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Using time module to count-off seconds
- [Tutor] Re: sending hex data on port
- [Tutor] Beginning Programming
- [Tutor] Help
Avneet Mathur
- [Tutor] Help
Neil Schemenauer
- [Tutor] Help
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded
Lloyd Kvam
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my
embedded python
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my
embedded python
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my
embedded python
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
R. Alan Monroe
- [Tutor] Single precision math in embedded Python, was Re: [Tutor]
crash when importing random or sys module, in my embedded python
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Help
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] jython without all the swingage...
Shawhan, Doug (EM, ITS)
- [Tutor] Canvas rectangle filling
Suresh Kumar
- [tutor] TEXT CTRL
Stephan Huijgen
- [Tutor] graphics tutorial
- [Tutor] why is list.pop(0) slow?
Wari Wahab
- [Tutor] Help
Avneet Mathur
- [Tutor] MySQLdb table is DATE, but SELECT returns with TIMESTAMP.
- [Tutor] Convert a string in infix notation to one in postfix
Evripides Loizides
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] sending hex data on port
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Re: Using time module to count off seconds before an event
- [Tutor] why is list.pop(0) slow?
Gregor Lingl
- [Tutor] Printing std.out (terminal) with formatted output
- [Tutor] using select
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Tutor] TSR in windows
Patrick Kirk
- [Tutor] re: help/unsubscribe me please
- [Tutor] What's up (fwd)
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Re: sending hex data on port
- [Tutor] Why does this kill PythonWin IDE?
Patrick Kirk
- [Tutor] why is list.pop(0) slow? [heapq in Python 2.3 / Queues
with Stacks]
Danny Yoo
- [Tutor] Why does this kill PythonWin IDE?
Greg Chapman
- [Tutor] Why does this kill PythonWin IDE?
Greg Chapman
- [Tutor] RE: Base converter bases 2-62
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] why is list.pop(0) slow? [heapq in Python 2.3 /
Queues with Stacks]
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Attaching methods to class instances
Zak Arntson
- [Tutor] Attaching methods to class instances
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] about wxpython how to turn off scroll?
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()+convert.base(r1,r2,num)
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] RE: Base converter bases 2-62
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] When to use a Class or just define functions?
- [Tutor] RE: Base converter bases 2-62
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] generating matrices
Vidhya Narayanan
- [Tutor] Using more than one tag in 'find_withtag'...........
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] matrices
Vidhya Narayanan
- [Tutor] Python and PHP
Gerardo Arnaez
- [Tutor] IDLE under redhat 9
Jeffrey Haun
- [Tutor] Re: [Tutor]how to get tree view widgets in python GUI? (for linux os)
- [Tutor] The time and clock functions
- [Tutor] about Regular Expression
Abdirizak abdi
- [Tutor] EuroPython!
Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
- [Tutor] Readlines
Adam Vardy
- [Tutor] help> modules
- [Tutor] <TUTOR>Python virus...
Predrag Ivanovic
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()+convert.base(r1,r2,num)
cino hilliard
- FW: [Tutor] Your good advice about Regular Expressions
Seabrook, Richard
- [Tutor] RE: Base converter bases 2-62
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] RE: Base converter bases 2-62
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Re: help me unsubscribe
- [Tutor] Creating barcodes
Mico Siahaan
- [Tutor] Viewing postscript
Mico Siahaan
- [Tutor] error: (10054, 'Connection reset by peer')
Patrick Kirk
- [Tutor] Creating barcodes
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] Graphics module
Andy Wolfe
- [Tutor] Socket Programming HOWTO doesn't work!
Patrick Kirk
- [Tutor] Function in a data structure
Tim Johnson
- [Tutor] first program
mark boydell
- [Tutor] curses on linux
- [Tutor] Stroing tkinter screen as PNG file..............
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] dictionary
- [Tutor] Global Variable Gotcha
Tim Johnson
- [Tutor] Setupsup for Python
- [Tutor] Help needed with graphix
Andy Wolfe
- [Tutor] Global Gotchas (was Global Variable Gotcha)
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] importing
Isaac Hall
- [Tutor] Working with Raw Packets?
Joshua Miller
- [Tutor] Function in a data structure
Scott Widney
- [Tutor] an intresting aside
Kirk Bailey
- [Tutor] ide in linux
ali mangaliag
- [Tutor] Access files/folders
- [Tutor] Problem in storing tkinter canvas as PNG file using ImageGrab.grab
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] UNSCRIBE!!!
Sulayman Sowe
- [Tutor] Needs urgent solution................
Suresh Kumar
- [Tutor] Global Variable Gotcha
Scott Widney
- [Tutor] built in functions int(),long()+convert.base(r1,r2,num)
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Job posting at LucasArts
Scott Widney
- [Tutor] compiling
Tim Henderson
- [Tutor] Help with Python Regular Expressions
Brian Christopher Robinson
- [Tutor] Proposal
- [Tutor] Job posting at LucasArts
Shey Crompton
- [Tutor] Re:Base 207 compression algorithm
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Re:Base 207 compression algorithm
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Re:Base 207 compression algorithm
cino hilliard
- [Tutor] Persistent Dictionary Variable
Jacob Abraham
- [Tutor] Good Cause
Greg Chapman
- [Tutor] Shebang problem
Rick Thomas
- [Tutor] python exe files
- [Tutor] dont know weakref???
- [Tutor] chinese in python23
- [Tutor] Convert list to literal string.
- [Tutor] Re: Convert list to literal string.
- [Tutor] intresting spam idiots
Kirk Bailey
- [Tutor] Re: Convert list to literal string.
- [Tutor] Array Help
Mike Wagman
- [Tutor] iteritems() for a list
Tim Johnson
- [Tutor] rlogin from the telnetlib.Telnet
Chris Abrams
- [Tutor] python exe files
- [Tutor] finding factorials
Payal Rathod
- [Tutor] Quick question about .split()
Kyle Babich
- [Tutor] (no subject)
- [Tutor] Function Programming Style
Kai Weber
- [Tutor] Declaring a global variable (where?)
Vicki Stanfield
- [Tutor] Function Programming Style
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] newbie re question
- [Tutor] newbie 'while' question
Matthew Richardson
- [Tutor] Function Programming Style
Alan Trautman
- [Tutor] readlines code
Cliff Martin
- [Tutor] writing a search engine
Kyle Babich
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 23:40:02 2003
Archived on: Mon Jun 30 22:40:03 2003
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).