[Tutor] Noob to Python - Need help with Variables

Gerrit Holl gerrit@nl.linux.org
Thu Jun 5 09:04:25 2003

Tony Stevenson schreef op donderdag  5 juni om 13:12:40 +0000:
> I am completely new to programming, so I thought I would start with Python
> as it comes highly reccomended, and have seen it do some very smart
> things.

Congratulation on finding Python!

> >>> user = "print os.environ['USERNAME']"

You are now creating a string called 'user', with the
contents you assign to it. But it is not what you want:
you want to assign the contents of os.environ['USERNAME']
to the variable 'user'. To do this, you do:

 >>> user = os.environ['USERNAME']

Strings are not (normally) executed in Python: only when passed
to the eval function. Whe you do eval(user) in your application,
you should get the username.


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amount of money paid therefor to the merchant, and keep the male or female
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