[Tutor] Binary Tree Printing Woes
Alan Gauld
Thu Jun 5 19:22:35 2003
> end. It works beautifully in the python shell, just not when I run
> app in my term.
I think you ate running the unctins in the shell,
not printing them....
> print "Printing A:", t.print_tree(a)
> print "PreOrder A:", t.print_preorder(a)
> print "PostOrder A:", t.print_postorder(a)
Here you print the string then the return value from
the print functions. But the print functiond=s do their
own printing and don't retirn anything. When a function
doesn't explicitly return anything Python provides a
default of None.
>>> def f(): pass
>>> print f()
You are seeing the None coming back from the functions.
> Bizarre, innit?
Not really :-)
> Oh, and while we're at it: how do you find the parent of a given
You need to store a reference in each child(as Tkinter does
with its widgets) or alternatively wroite a function that
searches the tree for a node which has your node as a child!
I recommend storing the parent as an attribute of the Node!
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor