[Tutor] The course of M. Gauld +a console problem
Poor Yorick
Wed Jun 11 03:42:02 2003
What I meant was that you do the following steps in Windows:
1. From Windows Explorer, choose the "Tools" menu
2. In the "Tools" menu, choose "File Types"
3. Find the ".py" extension in the list. Highlight it, and choose
4. Click on the "New" button
5. in the "Action" field, type "Run and Remain"
6. in the "Application used to Perform Action" menu type cmd.exe /k
c:\python22\python.exe "%1" %*
This is how I set it up in Windows 2000. On other versions of windows
the steps might be slightly different.
Another thing I like is the "command prompt here" menu item: Here's the
registry info:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Command Prompt Here]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Command Prompt Here\command]
@="cmd.exe /k cd \"%1\""
Poor Yorick
Guillaume wrote:
>OK many thanx to you and Lloyd
>but where must I put tose scipts to change
>my situation and having yours?
>I don't know how using a script under W$ :(
>That's really a pity coz the "Run and remain menu" seems great.
>Thanx :)
>Here's how my system is set up:
> From windows explorer:
>Tools - File Types - .py - Advanced - New
> Action = 'Run and Remain'
> Application used to perform action = cmd.exe /k
>C:\Python22\python.exe "%1" %*
>This gives me a menu 'Run and Remain' menu item when I right-click on a
>.py file.
>Poor Yorick