[Tutor] curses on linux

Abel Daniel abli@freemail.hu
Thu Jun 26 11:07:54 2003

lonetwin wrote:
>     I plan to write a little app. on linux that uses the curses module. 
> Here's what I'd like to do:
> a) Start up my application. (ie: all the initscr & stuff)
> b) Open another curses based application "embedded" within mine (actually
> I'm planning to fire-up the 'links' browser). By embedded I mean either it
> is displayed in one sub-window/pad on the screen, or it is displayed as it
> normally should with a key binding that'll allow me to switch between the
> embedded app and mine.
> c) I should be able to move between these two apps.
Is the functionality you get by having multiple virtual consols on Linux
enough? I.e. being able to switch to a different console with
<ALt>+<Fn> keys?
If yes, then 'screen' might be a usable option.

Abel Daniel