[Tutor] Re: Raw Image Format

bri.wood bri.wood@ntlworld.com
Tue Jun 17 03:18:02 2003

Lee Harr wrote:

>> Hi, I'm new to python (waiting for Learning Python to be delivered from
>> Amazon), but I have used it to post-process some images for a povray
>> animation.
>> Now my question, is there any way to get python to save an image in the
>> raw format? I've looked through PIL and Imagemagick, but these don't
>> seem to support the raw format.
> Depends on what you mean by "raw format"
> Pygame will save as a bitmap.  That's about as raw as it gets, i guess.
> I find it hard to believe that PIL and Imagemagick won't do that though.
> So, I suppose what I am asking is... which format is that?
> _________________________________________________________________

I mean the format that ends in .raw. I think its called a headerless 
I just looked at one made by paintshop pro in a text editor, and where 
it was white, was the text symbol for 255 and where it was black was the 
symbol for 0, this is ok as I will only be working with grayscale images.
I hope I'm not being too vague as this is only an inbetween step to what 
I hope to achive and would like to do most of it myself, but this has 
got me stumped.
I hope thats cleared the question up.

Thanks again for your time.
