[Tutor] Re: sending hex data on port
Wed Jun 18 15:58:02 2003
>To me hex is a way to represent an underlying set of
>00011000 = 0x18
>10001000 = 0x44
>You are trying to write a hex 18 over a serial port.
>Does that mean
>you want to write a '1' followed by a '8' That is a
>character one (hex 49)
>followed by an 8 (hex 48)?
>If you are trying to write some bits that have the
>hex value 18, then you
>are probably want to write the character represented
>by 00011000. Those
>bits equal 24 in base 10. The matching character is
>What module are you using? Does it make sense to say
That might be it. Is there a function that
automatically translates between the 0x18 and the chr
value that I need? I understand how you got the value
and could write my own, but if it already exists.....