[Tutor] newbie 'while' question
Matthew Richardson
Mon Jun 30 18:19:01 2003
On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 14:20, Danny Yoo wrote:
> > Here's what I've got for the second scenario:
> >
> > s = raw_input('Enter a name: ')
> > x = 0
> > while x >= 0:
> > print s[x]
> > x += 1
> >
> > The error is expected because the counter goes on beyond the number of
> > characters in the string and runs out of stuff to print.
> Hi Matthew,
> Ok, so that means that we want:
> ###
> while some_expression_that_is_false_when_x_is_too_large:
> print s[x]
> x += 1
> ###
> The expression that we have, right now:
> x >= 0
> is true as long as x is either positive or zero. ("nonnegative"). The
> only problem is that this will always be true: nothing in the loop's body
> ever causes x to become negative. *grin*
> 'x' is always increasing, hence our program breaks when it tries to print
> nonexistant characters. So we need to choose a different condition,
> something that is true only until the index reaches the end of the word.
> That is, instead of
> "Matthew Richardson"
> (------------------------------------------>
> 0 infinity
> We want to bound x's range to just:
> "Matthew Richardson"
> (------------------)----------------------->
> 0 infinity
> In mathematical terms, we'd say that we'd like a half-open range,
> 0 <= x < length of "Matthew Ricahrdson"
> And we'll find that the equivalent expression in Python is very similar to
> this. *grin*
> I hope this gives some hints on how to correct the while 'condition'
> expression. Good luck!
I knew I should have paid more attention in math...
Anyway, here is what I've got based on your excellent direction:
s = 'something'
x = 0
while x < len(s):
print s[x]
x += 1
Which works great. I'm still stuck on how to do Zak's method of
manipulating the string, but starting to feel better about 'while' now.
Matt Richardson
Instructional Support Technician
Department of Art
CSU San Bernardino