[Tutor] Multiple exits in a function...

Chris Cioffi other at stopthesanity.org
Fri Oct 24 21:18:43 EDT 2003

Um, when a test fails and you need to 'get out of dodge' there are these
things called exceptions.  Python's are rather nice. :)

OTOH, as long as the code is clear I don't think it's _necessarily_ bad
style to use multiple exit points.  My only advise in those cases: Be
Obvious(tm) .  Nothing is worse than wading through a bunch of code only
to find that it is never reached.


Mike Hansen wrote:

 > I'm curious about this. A co-worker was ranting recently while
 > debugging some C code that it had multiple exits. (BTW: It wasn't my
 > C code. I have never written C code except in college.)
 > I trend to write my functions with multiple exits. Usually when some
 > test fails, I spit a message(email, print it, or write it to a log
 > file) and get out of dodge. The alternative is usually horrible
 > nested If statements even if I flip the logic around. Which to me
 > makes it hard to read and maintain.
 > Can you point me to some resources to help me wrap my mind around
 > this? Code examples? ...
 > Thanks,
 > Mike

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