[Tutor] Pouring a list into a dictionary

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Mon Sep 29 21:13:39 EDT 2003

At 05:40 PM 9/29/2003, Danny Yoo wrote:

>On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Allen wrote:
> > The answer to my last inquiry worked out to be this: (thanks for the
> > suggestions)
> >
> > I have two lists (same length) and needed field ONE from list A
> > (headings) be the key to the value of field ONE of list B (foundData).
> > Iterate through these to create my dictionary.
> >
> > dataDict={}
> > for k, v in map(None, headings, foundData):
> >    dataDict[k]= v
>Hi Allen,
>Ah!  As of Python 2.3, there's another concise way of saying this:
>for k, v in map(None, headings, foundData):
>    dataDict[k]= v
>Using some of 2.3's new features, we can now say it this way:
>dataDict = dict(zip(headers, foundData))

That even works in 2.2.3. Is this a new concept of backward compatibility?-

Bob Gailer
bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
303 442 2625
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