[Tutor] List's name in a string

"Héctor Villafuerte D." hec.villafuerte at telgua.com.gt
Tue Sep 30 18:17:31 EDT 2003

Jeff wrote:

> Okay, you've got multiple lists that you want to apply the above 
> treatment to.  You can keep those lists in a dictionary, like so:
> list_dict = { 'LIST1': ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],
>               'LIST2': ['otherfile1', 'otherfile2'] }
> And then you can iterate over the items in the dictionary:
> for listname, filelist in list_dict.items():
>     outfile_name = "%s_proc" % listname
>     outfile = file(outfile_name, 'w')
>     for filename in filelist:
>         # ...
> If you want to build the lists of filenames on the fly, that's fine, 
> too.  Just assemble the list of files, generate a unique name, and 
> plug them into the dictionary --
> list_dict[name] = filelist
> Or, say you have a long list of files that you're trying to categorize 
> into different sublists.  You can use dict.get() to make this easier 
> -- get() will return a default value if a key isn't found in the 
> dictionary.
> list_dict = {}
> for filename in big_filelist:
>     key = category(filename)
>     existing = list_dict.get(key, [])
>     existing.append(filename)
>     list_dict[key] = existing
> Hopefully this will give you some ideas on how to handle the specifics 
> of your problem...

Great, thanks!
Dictionaries will make it... I knew all those new data structures would 
be useful someday :)

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