[Tutor] Problem with python2.4.

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Dec 10 01:43:06 CET 2004

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Jacob S. wrote:

>     Nothing I can do can fix my problem. It appears as though
> pythonw.exe is not working properly in the python 2.4 distribution.

[some text cut]

> The symptoms: I click on edit with
> idle--which runs the command "C:\python24\pythonw.exe"
> "C:\python24\lib\idlelib\idle.pyw" -n -e "%1" --then the computer thinks for
> a bit and is silent.

Hi Jacob,

>From the symptom report, I would not automatically suspect pythonw: I'd
instead look at IDLE.

You might be running into the same kind of issue that Mike Hansen was
running into just a few days ago:


We were able to diagnose the problem by doing this:


Can you try the same procedure?  Even if it doesn't work, the information
that Python responses with should give us a better idea of what is going
on.  Try opening up a regular console version of Python, and see what
happens when you do:

>>> import idlelib.PyShell
>>> idlelib.PyShell.main()

Good luck to you!

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