[Tutor] Best book(s) for learning Tkinter?

Alfred Milgrom milgrom at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 07:13:02 CEST 2004

New Mexico tech has (in my opinion) the best manual for programming Tkinter.
It's a relatively comprehensive manual covering all the options available.

You can download the manual in PDF format from

There are also a couple of other useful links there.

Fred Milgrom

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 23:14:30 -0400, Marv Boyes <marvboyes at att.net> wrote:
> Hello, everyone. Here's my dilemma:
> 1) I want to learn Tkinter as thoroughly as would be necessary to be
> able to write decent Python GUI applications that I (and maybe others)
> might find useful. I plan on moving on to pyGTK as soon as possible, but
> Tkinter strikes me as a good start from a conceptual point of view (if
> I'm wrong, someone please disabuse me of this notion).
> 2) It's a shortcoming on my part, but I have a heck of a time teaching
> myself anything by reading from a monitor. I've run across plenty of
> excellent online tutorials, and have learned a lot from them, but I
> simply drive myself buggy within an hour. And if it's not something that
> I can save locally as a PDF or flat HTML, forget it. :) For me, fiction
> is the e-book's best genre. If it's something I have to learn and
> retain, and (especially) refer back to from time to time, I need a piece
> of treeware that I can hold in my hands and carry around.
> 3) I realize that I'm going to get the best, most up-to-date information
> online (most of the Python books in my local bookstores are woefully
> outdated); that being said, I like to get the basics from books and
> later fill in the gaps and bring myself current online.
> So, these things being said, can anyone suggest a good book (or books)
> for a serviceable knowledge of Tkinter? It's doesn't necessarily have to
> be a book devoted to Tkinter (if there is such a thing); a Python book
> with a really solid chapter or two on Tkinter would be fine. Most of the
> Python books I've been able to thumb through have offered very skimpy
> coverage, if any.
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.
> Marv
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