[Tutor] IDLE problem

Ertl, John John.Ertl at fnmoc.navy.mil
Tue May 25 12:12:13 EDT 2004


	I have been given a virtual system to play with which also means I
have to load all things myself.  I think I have all the needed stuff loaded
but when I try to run idle I get:

** IDLE can't import Tkinter.  Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **

I have checked and tk and Tkinter are there.  I read some vague reference to
needing to say yes to loading Tk when python is loaded but I was not asked
(or could I find any reference in the config files) about loading Tk.  I am
not a system admin type so I probably missed something.  

Any ideas are appreciated.

John Ertl 

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