[Tutor] My new web tutor launched

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sun Nov 7 13:40:47 CET 2004

Its taken much longer than expected but my all-new, all-singin'
all-dancin' web tutor is officially launched!

Thanks to all those who submitted comments on the drafts.

A quick summary of the new features:

- Uses Python 2.3 as the main language
    Not all features but where there have been changes in preferred
    approach these are adopted, for example string methods etc.
- Uses VBScript and JavaScript as comparison languages
    Wheras Tcl and QBASIC were strictly used for comparisons and only
    about 25% of the coverage of Python VBScript and JavaScript now
    around 75% of Python's coverage. I believe you could actually
    these languages from the tutor now.
- Has new chapters on text processing and regular expressions
    The text processing was very thin, there is much more on using
    string methods and a whole intro to regular expressions, basically
    reproducing the regex chapter from my book.
- has many more examples
    This was one comon criticism, hopefully the increased code count
    will keep folks happy. There will inevitably be bugs so if you
    find any please let me know so i can fix 'em!
- has much more detailed explanations - overall its about 50% bigger

My priorities for the immediate future are getting two new
loaded onto the site - an update of the Czech one based on the new
material, and a brand new Polish edition also based on the new

After that I'll be starting a series of new topics focused on
applications: using os, path, CGI, sockets, xml etc...

Enjoy, and as ever send that feedback to me.

Alan G.

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