[Tutor] multidemisional arrays

Bill Mill bill.mill at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 22:36:49 CET 2004


The tutorial's section on output formatting might help you out:

Bill Mill
bill.mill at gmail.com

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 16:06:26 -0500, Diana Furr <dleigh0 at carolina.rr.com> wrote:
> Please someone help me. I don't know where else to look. I have tried
> everything I've seen to get this to work right but I must be doing something
> wrong. 
> This is the program: 
> i=0
> howMany=input('How many artists will you enter? ')
> paintings=[]#painting
> artists=[]#artist
> values=[]#value
> for i in range(0,howMany,1):
>     painting=raw_input('Painting Name ')
>     artist=raw_input('Artist Name ')
>     value=input('Painting Value ')
>     paintings+=[painting]
>     artists+=[artist]
>     values+=[value]
>     artists=zip(artists,paintings,values)
>     artists.sort()
>     i=i+1
> n=0
> for n in range(0,howMany,1):
>     print artists[n] 
> I need the program to sort the artists alphabetically. I can do that but I'm
> having trouble with the other lists. When I print it needs to look like
> this: 
> Artist    Painting    Value 
> Alecia    Flowers    10 
> Diana    Apples       15 
> When I print it looks like this: 
> ('Alecia', 'Flowers', 10)
> (('Diana', 'Apples', 15), 'Apples', 15) 
> Why does the , 'Apples', 15) print and how can I loose the parenthesis and
> quotation marks. 
> Thanks in advance. 
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